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Cosmin Guitar Lessons

Do you want to play your favourite songs on guitar?

Challenge accepted!

Guitar lessons in Munich


In studio

Come to my home studio, located in Laimer PLatz, Munich

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I'm offering one-to-one lessons on video platform Zoom

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At home

I'm coming to you! We can have the lessons in the comfort of your home

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What's in it for you?

Learn how the music works

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Gain strong music foundation

Learn the basics: chords, scales, music theory, melody, harmony, and the link between all of these.

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Play your favourite styles and songs

Build a repertoire according to your level. Gain confidence and have fun playing the music you love.

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Express your own creativity

Expand your skills and learn the beautiful craft of music improvisation and composition, at any level.

Who are my students?

I addapt my teaching to age and level
adult playing guitar

Adult beginners

It's never too late to learn to play the guitar.
I adapt my lessons to your individual learning style, so you can progress fast.

child playing guitar

Young learners

Let your children learn to play guitar correctly right from the beginning. I teach them simplified songs, chords, and techniques.



Join my improver lessons if you have experience playing the guitar and you're looking for guidance to evolve to the next level.

woman playing guitar


Learn to compose or reproduce beautiful melodies combining advanced techniques, chords, and scales.

man playing guitar

Guitar lessons in Munich

Food for thought

Most frequent questions and answers

If you have the desire to learn, nothing can stop you.

In any learning process there are difficult times, when you’re frustrated you can’t play a chord perfectly or the music theory seems impossible to understand. I am here to guide you and teach you so this road is as flat as possible.

Like with any other music instrument, learning to play the guitar may take years. Based on my experience, you can gain a strong foundation after one year of regular practice.

It is important to understand that you learn how to play the guitar between lessons.  

You’ll have to play at least 4 days per week, for about 20 minutes in the beginning. As you become better at playing guitar, you’ll need to practice up to 1 hour per day or more. 

But doing something that you love is effortless, right?

The issue with learning to play guitar using various online resources is that the information might not be well organized and you don’t have support to answer your questions. Also, you’re prone to forming “bad” habits related to techniques, routines, guitar position etc.

A guitar teacher helps you speed up the learning process without developing wrong habits.

Guitar lessons in Munich

Your guitar teacher in Laim, Munich

Looking forward to meeting you!